"Boundless", 2016-17
City of Calgary - Utility Box Public Art Program, Calgary AB
Acrylic on 11 utility boxes or bins
~60" x 45" x 28" each

A public art project working with the members of Calgary’s Crossroads community (the name for three north-east communities including Mayland Heights, Belfast and Vista Heights) to transform 11 utility boxes into works of art. Inspired by the theme "Boundless Birds", the artwork illustrates different bird species all native to Calgary, and chosen by community residents through polling, surveys and conversation. Species include: the Bald Eagle, Black capped Chickadee, Canada Goose, Cedar Waxwing, Downy Woodpecker, Great Horned Owl, House Finch, Mallard Duck, Northern Flicker, Osprey and Robin.
Each site was painted by Doug working closely with teams of volunteers as part of the "This is My Neighbourhood" initiative - a program created for Calgary residents to partner with The City in order to to identify ways to help make their neighbourhood a better place to live, work and play.

"I had the pleasure of working with Doug over many months on a City of Calgary “In My Neighbourhood” project. We feel lucky that we got him to help with art installations throughout our community on signal boxes and “bear” garbage bins.
Doug has remarkable skills in collaborating and connecting with a community. We started with the premise that our community felt divided; some people felt disconnected to our association because they live across a major roadway. Doug brought to us an initial vision of birds because they have no barriers to traveling, and from there came a full community engagement... [the results of which] changed Doug’s vision on which birds to feature in the art. Doug also continued to engage the community by getting volunteers out to help with the painting, enthusiastically working alongside each and every resident. All the art is a remarkable landmark in Crossroads Community for years to come, and my lasting impression is of Doug's vision, wisdom and how it made our entire community feel."
Larry Leach / President / Crossroads Community Association